34 | Truth Telling, Overcoming Trauma and a Conversation about Abortion with Ashley Abercrombie - Lenya Heitzig
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34 | Truth Telling, Overcoming Trauma and a Conversation about Abortion with Ashley Abercrombie

Ashley Abercrombie fought to overcome addiction, rape, abortion, perfectionism and dysfunctional relationships to become an honest, whole and free woman.

Ashley has an unrelenting passion for justice, particularly anti-human trafficking and mass incarceration initiatives, and served the city of Los Angeles for seven years, winning commendations from the LAPD and Los Angeles Mayor’s office.

On today’s episode, Ashley speaks on the topic of about dealing with trauma – and how to best communicate with our children to help them deal with trauma. She talks about valuing integrity over image and why pretending won’t make us feel anything but broken.

Ashley also talks about her past history and pain that resulted from her decision to have an abortion and why she is now a pro-life advocate for women.

We dig deep and discuss the ways that the church can be better and more compassionate as they discuss the pro-life discussion and why that matters.

Get Ashley’s book: Rise of the Truth Teller

Follow Ashley on Instagram @ashabercrombie

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