12 May Spiritual Gifts Ep. 5: The Gift of Teaching with Skip and Lenya Heitzig
The spiritual gift of teaching is one that carries a heavy responsibility in the church. James 3:1 warns, “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.”
On today’s episode, Skip and Lenya discuss how they both discovered their gift of teaching and what it looks like in their marriage to share the same gift. Skip discusses the benefits and importance of teaching the Bible line-by-line and exactly what helps each of them to structure their teachings.
We talk about speaking from conviction, walking alongside people in the congregation of a church and so much more!
Follow along with Lenya on instagram: @lenyaheitzig
Follow along with Lindsey on instagram: @lindsey.maestas and @livingeasypodcast
Follow along with The All the Things Podcast: @allthethings.podcast
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